XJR6 – Moved house and Garage
We have moved home and that also meant I had to move my garage and all of its contents. There was no way a removal company would touch moving all of the junk I had spread across three garages. To give you an idea, this is what it looked like with a week to go to the move. I quickly attached the doors and wings to the car so I had less items to move. The bonnet was attached the next day. The mountain of items and boxes to the right of the car were those I had already packed. There is a long length single garage attached to the right of this double that also had a lot if items in it.

The process I decided to follow in the end was to rent a 20 foot container about 3 miles away, move all the stuff there prior to the move with a Luton type tail lift truck. I then emptied the container using another truck a couple of weeks later. All in all it was a total of 6 journeys using the biggest Luton available. My brother has an “A” frame towing device which we used to tow the Jaguar to its new location. There is no prop-shaft installed at the moment so no issues with towing with an automatic gearbox. The Jaguar arrived in its new home unscathed although there was a nasty squeak coming from the rear end. Something else to look into when things get a little more organised.
I only have a two reasonably wide single garages at my new house so I have plans to modify them significantly. Ideally I want to make it into a much bigger double with the extra height to have a couple of lifts installed.
The empty garage looked a bit sad, so was I having built it about 20 years ago. Many a fun evening spent pottering around in there!