XJ6 R engine bay preparation and respray
I had mucked up an earlier attempt at respraying the passenger side of the engine bay. Firstly I had covered part of the inner wing with tape around the VIN plate so that needed redoing and I also scratched the side during the fitting of some of the new items needed in the engine bay. You can see the initial repairs highlighted by the red primer and can also see the new wiring (temporarily laid out).
Rather than repair it and then damage it again as I carried on working on fitting the items and the new wiring needed in the engine bay. I also needed to cut a hole as that discussed in the cutting a hole in the bulkhead post.
Respray Preparation
The first step was to remove the new wiring, the fuse box and the newly added modules to allow for the respray. The blue tape masks off the various parts I did not want to remove.
Well I tried to respray it and obviously had some setting wrong because no matter how delicate and fast I was, I still ended up with a significant amount of paint runs. I guess I am a better storage technology guy than a paint sprayer 🙂
I have left it for now. I will carefully wet sand out the paint runs and see what it looks like in a week or so. stopped there as I decided to write this and then look to see if I can find some of the items I need to purchase.
Here is my current list of items to locate and buy next.
- Brake Master Cylinder and clips to hold on the reservoir
- Reconditioning kit for the steering rack plus the bellows
- Front shocks
- Front suspensions ball joints
- Alternative fuel pump as the ones in the twin tacks will not provide enough pressure on their own
- need some more thought regarding the fuel system such as can I use the XJR tank or do I use a surge tank as suggested by Larry Louton on the Jaguar forums page
- The rubber pipe that connects to the battery tray and the air inlet by the windscreen (BD4654) because mine is split
- Supercharger Belt for the XKR to stop the tweeting noises
Looks like I need to do a little research rather than watching the paint dry 🙂
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